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May 2024 979-8-3287835-1-4

DESCRIPTION: In ten chapters this book opens the door to advanced mathematics

This book revolutionizes the learning of Algebra by going straight to the fundamentals.  It starts with the basics which are a good understanding of number systems and a good grasp of arithmetic notions like complex fractions, simplifications and decomposition of numbers.  Once this part thoroughly explored it tackles the transition from arithmetic expressions to algebraic expressions focusing on the concept of polynomial and equations which in turn are abundantly described.  In the process of studying equations it shows the importance of symmetry in solving them.  It goes from there to presenting those aspects of Algebra like  relations, functions, graphing, matrices etc... that make the algebraic science a revolving door in mathematics, or to say it better in all sciences. Along the way, it shows the impact or involvement of computers in generating  solution to daunting mathematical problems.

EXCERPT: Pascal Triangle and Preface

What is the role of Pascal's triangle in binomial theory? The sum of a row in the triangle is equal to 2R, where R is the row number or index of the triangle. This index can be used as an exponent of the binomial equation, for example if the row number is 2:

(a + b)2 =  a2 + 2ab + b2  


If I were asked what is the relationship between the arts, philosophy on the one hand and Algebra on the other, I would dare answering they are its mother and father. For man began painting in the caves long before the apparition of the first symbols and decimal groups. In addition, I often speak in the book about  the excluded third principle (A proposition can be true or false, but not both) inherited from the Greek philosophy which constitutes the very essence of combinatorics.  For this reason, I try to give the art a small place in this book.

REVIEWS: Soon to Come